What is a weighted blanket?

  • A weighted blanket is a comforting, safe way to relax your mind and body before you fall asleep at night. There are numerous benefits of weighted blankets for people suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, including the reduction of stress and anxiety. The blanket also promotes relaxation and sleep through the release of serotonin and endorphins. Studies show that these chemical compounds have significant positive effects on people with OCD. Weighted blankets are also beneficial for those who are suffering from depression and anxiety.
  • When a weighted blanket is used with children, it can help them deal with anxiety and insomnia. Weighted blankets also improve sleep in adults. Some weighted blankets are also effective for people with attention-deficit disorder (ADHD). The weight of a weighted blanket can vary, from five to twenty-five pounds. The weight rule of thumb for weighted blankets is ten percent of body weight plus a pound. That means an 80-pound child would need a blanket weighing 10 pounds or more.
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How does a weighted blanket work?

It’s a type of blanket that helps regulate the body’s nervous system through pressure therapy. It helps people relax and sleep better by reducing cortisol, a stress hormone. This hormone helps the body produce more serotonin, a feel-good chemical that is commonly produced when we’re in love.

So how exactly does it work?

People who suffer from insomnia may find that using a weighted blanket helps them fall asleep and stay asleep. It helps reduce heart rate, breathing and pain. Some users may even find that they benefit from it, such as people suffering from fibromyalgia or autism. The blanket works by activating a process called Deep Touch Pressure. This pressure releases serotonin and suppresses cortisol levels in the brain. As a result, they experience a reduced level of stress, which leads to a more peaceful and productive sleep.

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How to choose the best weighted blanket for anxiety?

Some blankets even have an anti-anxiety effect, helping you feel less anxious. If you want to give a weighted blanket a try, here’s how to choose the best one for you. It’s important to read reviews carefully and choose a weighted blanket that works for you.

  • There are two types of weighted blankets: breathable ones made of plastic. Glass-bead weighted blankets are more environmentally friendly than plastic. Plastic ones can be bulkier and noisier. Make sure to choose a weighted blanket that’s comfortable and durable enough to last a long time. Then, you can decide which is best for you based on the material.
  • Before purchasing a weighted blanket, consider the size. Make sure it fits you comfortably and is long enough to cover you from your head to your feet. Some people like blankets that are wider at the top than at the bottom, while others prefer to cover their feet completely. If you’re buying a blanket for a partner, it’s important to know the size so that you can be sure it fits together.
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The benefits of using a weighted blanket for anxiety

Anxiety blankets come in different sizes, including twin, full, queen, and king. You can also purchase a smaller, medium, or extra-large weighted blanket if you’re more mobile. Weighted blankets are designed to feel like gentle pressure across the entire body.

  • First, it releases calming hormones.
  • Secondly, it decreases the level of cortisol, which is the stress hormone. Hence, it helps people cope with anxiety and depression. This is a great benefit. If you’re worried about being alone, use a weighted blanket while you sleep. Besides promoting relaxation, it also helps you get a good night’s sleep.
  • Although weighted blankets are effective, you should remember that they don’t solve all the problems that cause your anxiety and sleeplessness. If you’re having trouble sleeping, you should seek mental health advice from a licensed professional to get to the root of your issues.
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Tips to create a better sleeping environment

  • The right bed size is essential if you and your partner are planning to share one. Make sure you have a bed that is at least 5ft wide.
  • Avoid placing the bed close to a window or door. It should be dark, quiet, and comfortable. If you want to improve your sleep, read these tips to improve your sleeping environment. Also, avoid the use of fluorescent lighting, as it is a strong cue to wake up.
  • The suitable sleeping temperature is also important. Ideally, a bedroom should be between sixty-70 degrees Fahrenheit. Using electric or ceiling fans to control the temperature is a good idea, as is using lighter bedding to help regulate the temperature.
  • A room that is too hot or too cold may be harmful to your health. Make sure to choose sheets that are comfortable and promote air flow.
  • Colors should be soothing and relaxing. Avoid putting electronic devices in your room. If you have trouble falling asleep, use cool colors to set your mood for sleep.
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Best way to care and clean a weighted blanket

The washing process of weighted blankets are given by manufacturers , so by following the care label on the packaging you can wash your blanket. Most blankets are washable, but some fabrics are better suited to washing than others.

Non-filled weighted blankets are easy to wash and do not lose their weight after several washes.

For a non-filled weighted blanket, you can simply follow the washing instructions on the label. Then, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for storing and caring for your weighted blanket. When washing your weighted blanket, be sure to use cold or warm water. Avoid using fabric softener or bleach, as these may damage the blanket or its fillers.

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It may work by stimulating deep pressure points on the body, or deep pressure touch stimulation. However, no scientific research has been done to prove that it actually reduces anxiety levels. However, it may be a useful tool for those suffering from anxiety.


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